My research on improving teaching and learning strategies of software testing in computer science education.
My Orcid ID is: 0000-0002-0680-4443.
I sometimes toot about my research on my Mastodon account about my research, but more often about other things that interest me, or that fill me with wonder.
Some of my projects can be found on Feel free to contribute.
Follow me on Strava! I like to go for a run now and then. It helps me to think and also to clear my mind. I often get my best ideas while working out, but I also tend to forget most of them immediately.
☕ 🧘 🌳 🐱 🐔 🥞 🚲 📷
Came here for the Test Informed Learning with Examples repository? Look no further! It can be found at
by Niels Doorn
The EASE conference is hosted this year in Oulu, Finland. Although I did not submit a paper to this conference, I attend it because I am one of the organizers of the Workshop on evaLuation and assEssment on softwARe eNgineers’ Education and tRaining (LEARNER 2023) workshop. This first edition of the workshop will have a special theme of Software Testing Education and Training. This is very relevant for my research. One of the things I want to study are learning outcomes of software testing. Learning outcomes can be used to create instructional designs starting from the end: what should a student know, what skills should a student posses and what attitude belongs to that. Students can than be assessed based on these learning outcomes. I am very curious about what will be presented.
tags: conference - EASE - LEARNER Workshop